Service Instructions

The National Cadastral Transcript System provides nationwide cadastral information online. With this system, you do not need to apply for cadastral transcripts from a land office any more. From a PC, smartphone or tablet, you can conveniently collect over the Internet an e-cadastral transcript containing the cadastral data of any land and building and land value in any counties and cities. Also, the legal effect of e-cadastral transcripts is the same as that of any paper cadastral transcripts. With the e-Transcript System, land administration service is ubiquitous!

Service Introduction

Whether you are an ordinary citizen or professional real-estate worker (e.g. land administration agent, real-estate broker, bank worker, land valuation/appraisal worker, land developer, etc.), this system is a super and efficient business tool.

Type Inquiry Item Expense(NTD)
Transcript Land Transcript
Building Transcript
Land Value Transcript
Cadastral Map Transcript
Building Survey Result Map Transcript
Transcript Manual Register Transcript
Other Change Index
Change List
Land References
Building References
Other Land/Building Number Inquiry with Door plate Number

Sean enters the e-Transcript System and inquires about the land/building number of a premises with the door plate number. Next, he applies for 5 copies of transcripts. This time, Sean needs to pay NT$110.

Inquiry/Application items Amount(NTD)
Land/Building Number Inquiry with Door plate Number 10
5 Copies each at NTD20 100

Total NTD 110